Who Invented The Aspirin? History Of Aspirin - Biography of Felix Hoffmann

Who Invented The Aspirin? History Of Aspirin - Biography of Felix Hoffmann. Felix Hoffmann was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany on January 21, 1868, He is a German chemist. He studied chemistry at the University of Ludwig Maximilian München. In 1894, he joined the Bayer pharmaceutical company in Elberfeld. He is well known for the synthesis of salicylic acid in stable form for the first time on August 10, 1897, which is used in medicine. 


Felix Hoffmann

Felix Hoffmann was born on 21 January 1868 in Ludwigsburg. In 1889 he began to study chemistry at Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich to study pharmacy and ended in 1890 with a state pharmacy exam. In 1891 he graduated magna cum laude from the University of Munich. Two years later he received his doctorate, as well as magna cum laude, after completing his thesis entitled "On certain derivatives dihydroanthracene." In 1894, he joined Bayer as a chemist. 

The discovery of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in pure and stable chemical form

Hoffman attempted to find alternative ways of treating arthritis without the use of sodium salicylate, the sodium salicylate used to treat arthritis often attacks the lining of the stomach and causes the patient sufficient pain due to irritation. Because of the acidity of making hard salicylates in the stomach, he begins to look for acid formations that cause him to synthesize acetylsalicylic acid, a compound that shares other therapeutic properties of salicylates but lacks strong acidity that causes gastric irritation.

Who Invented The Aspirin? History Of Aspirin - Biography of Felix Hoffmann

This is achieved by placing the compound through a series of chemical reactions that cover one part of the acid, leaving the carboxylic acid group, with the ASETIL group converting it to acetylsalicylic acid. So by acetylating salicylic acid with acetic acid, he succeeded in creating acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in pure and stable chemical form. 

On August 10, 1897, Hoffmann successfully synthesized acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) for the first time in a stable form that could be used for medical applications. By acetylating salicylic acid with acetic acid, he succeeded in creating acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in pure and stable chemical form.

Initially, the Pharmacist, who was responsible for verifying these results, was not yet convinced, but after several large-scale research to investigate the efficacy of substance and tolerability has been completed, Hoffmann has found relieving pain, fever-lowering and anti-inflammatory. The company then works to develop a production process that will facilitate promising active ingredients that should be given as a pharmaceutical product. In 1899, Hoffmann's drug was marketed for the first time under the trade name Aspirin, Initially made in the form of powder in glass bottles. Aspirin is an acronym of: 
A              : Acetyl 
spir group         : the name of the flower is in Latin 
spiraea : additional syllables that are often used 
in          : for the substance of the period. 

Who Invented The Aspirin? History Of Aspirin - Biography of Felix Hoffmann

Bayer launched the compound with the name of aspirin. These compounds have actually been synthesized before, but are not used for medicine. Salicylic acid was synthesized by Charles Frédéric Gerhardt of Strossburi in 1853. 

Following the discovery of the aspirin, Félix Hoffmann was transferred to the marketing department of medicine, until his retirement in 1928. In 2002 his name was incorporated into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. 

Hoffman never married and died in Switzerland on February 8, 1946 at the age of 78 years.

(source: en.wikipedia

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