Who Invented The WordPress? History Of WordPress - Biography of Matthew Charles Mullenweg

Who Invented The WordPress? History Of WordPress - Biography of Matthew Charles Mullenweg- Matthew Charles Mullenweg known as Matt Mullenweg is the founder and developer of WordPress software. Matt, who was born in Houston, Texas, USA, on January 11, 1984 attended high school in Visual Arts and Performing Arts. He also adept at playing saxophone music. Although his study was not in the field of computer technology and programming, Matt managed to establish and develop software that is now very popular ie WordPress.com, Akismet, and Automattic business it. 

History of Matthew Charles Mullenweg and WordPress

Matt's introduction to the blogging world has been in practice since 2002 when he was 18 years old. At that time, Matt just started using the blog facility b2cafelog. He used blog b2 (bbpress.org) to publish his photos during a trip to Washington DC However, a few months later, the blog bbpress where Matt published his photo stops in developing his software. Due to such conditions, came the creative thought of Matt. In January 2003, Matt Mullenweg announced via his blog that he would develop a blog b2 to fit the current web standards.
Matt Mullenweg

With his own initiative, Matt and Mike Little started developing the b2-based WordPress coding. Then, Mike and Matt with Michel Valdrighi (former developer b2), began actively developing WordPress until the birth of WordPress that you know today. On May 27, 2003, WordPress version 0.70 was released. Version 0.7 still contains the same file structure as its predecessor, b2cafelog. 

In March 2003, when Matt was 19, Matt and his colleagues set up GMPG in a more complex format than HTML. A year later, WordPress launches a useful Ping-O-Matic facility to send ping notifications to blog search engines like Technorati. And now, Ping-O-Matic has served over 1 million pings per day.

Although Matt is a Drop Out (DO) student from his college, he succeeds in becoming a rich and successful young entrepreneur. In 2007, he was crowned as 16 of the "50 Most Important People in the World of the Internet " by PC World. And in mid-January 2009, Matt visited Indonesia in order to attend as well as a major guest in the event Wordcamp Indonesia 2009 - "1st Annual Conference for Indonesian WordPress Enthusiasts". 

As Blogger is successful after coupled Google , WordPress-also growing rapidly with many users around the world. (Wikipedia)

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